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News Brief

Sept. 12, 2019 |  By: Jim Farris

Nodaway County Historical Society to take guests to Barnard

The Nodaway County Historical Society will have a program that takes guests to Barnard.
Vice President of the Nodaway County Historical Society, Dr. Elyssa Ford, says the trip begins with a tour of the Barnard Historical Society.

"So we'll meet there and have time to look around the Historical Society for people who haven't been there before.  Then we'll head out to the Baker Cemetery for a program there."

Dr. Ford says  there will be talks about the preservation of graves at the cemetery.

"Debbie Schneider and some of the other folks in Barnard have spent a lot of time working on restoring and preserving and cleaning up the cemetery.  So we thought this would be a really great time for people to not just read about it in the newspaper, but actually go out to the cemetery to see the work that they've done.  And to also to hear from the people who did that work, who were in engaged in that project."

The event begins September 22nd at 2 p.m. at the Barnard Historical Society on the west side of Barnard.